Named after the legendary destination in James Hilton’s novel Lost Horizon, Shangri-La aims to create a sense of peace and feeling of home when travelers arrive. The level of service is consistent across the 90+ hotels and resorts around the world, anticipating guests’ needs and paying care to even the smallest detail.
INSPO TRAVEL is a proud member of Shangri-La’s Luxury Circle preferred partner program. As our client, you gain access to exclusive benefits and amenities at Shangri-La hotels and resorts around the world. Our Travel Designers work closely with our dedicated contacts at each property to ensure clients receive personalized service and VIP status – something you can’t find online no matter how hard you search.
As a member of The Luxury Circle, our Travel Designers have an even stronger relationship with each property. We receive advance notice of any promotions as well as exclusive specials for advisors in The Luxury Circle.